Penn: Then & Now

Inspired by the Penn & Slavery Project, Penn: Then & Now is a project dedicated to bringing to light Penn Med’s institutional history and responsibility. GHHS writes monthly bulletins on people, places, and events in Penn Med history to help students understand the complicated relationship Penn has with the surrounding community and what role they may play in that legacy. By also suggesting local businesses, projects, and political organizations for students to support, the project emphasizes practical ways of contributing meaningfully to the Philadelphia community.


Solidarity Week is an annual event organized by chapters of Gold Humanism Honor Society across the country. This year, at Penn, we have chosen to focus on the theme of "Healthcare Outside the Hospital." During our medical training, so much of our time is spent on the care that we deliver in inpatient settings. This week, we hope to highlight some of the work being done in community sites around the city as well as to bring to light the impact of the changing climate on healthcare delivery.